Bakery Retarder-Proofer Shop
What is a Retarder-Proofer?
A retarder-proofer is a cabinet with a controlled and adjustable temperature and relative humidity. During the final stage of the cycle, it transforms from a cold storage cabinet to a heated cabinet to encourage proving of the dough. Retarder-Proofers have greater temperature control and overcome the problems of moisture control from proofers alone.
Advantages of Retarder-Proofers:
Once the dough has finished an entire cycle in the retarder-proofer, it can go directly into the oven without any additional kneading, shaping, or rising.
Retarder-Proofers come in a large range of sizes to fit the needs of almost any bakery.
Some retard-proofers have a built-in sleep mode so that the cycle reverts back to retard mode to hold the product for an additional 30 minutes.
These units can be set to a retard-only mode, a proof-only mode, or a combination of both modes, making them highly versatile.
Browse the following Categories for all Retarder/Proofer Equipment Needs.
New Retarder-Proofers
Pre-Owned Retarder-Proofers
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