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Bakery Equipment.com>Mixers>Planetary Mixers>Retail Planetery Mixers>New Retail Planetary Mixers>120qt Mixers

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120qt Mixers
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120qt Mixers

Bakery Equipment.com Planetary Mixer Shop


What is a Planetary Mixer?
A Planetary Mixer is often called a vertical mixer because the mixing attachment comes straight down into the bowl and it rotates on a vertical axis. The planetary term describes the "dual" rotation of the mixing action where the agitator rotates on its shaft while the whole shaft makes a circular motion around the mixing bowl. These are the most versatile type of mixers because they usually have interchangeable agitators to suit different products - e.g. dough hook for yeast raised dough's, flat beaters for batters and wire whip for whipped cream or some cake batters.


Browse the following Categories for all Planetary Mixer Needs.


5qt Mixers

7qt Mixers

8qt Mixers

10qt Mixers

12qt Mixers

20qt Mixers

25qt Mixers

30qt Mixers

40qt Mixers

60qt Mixers

80qt Mixers

120qt Mixers

370qt Mixers


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