Equipment |
Roto Cooler Systems |

Roto Cooler Systems
Belshaw's three Roto-Cooler versions are the most
practical way to collect, hold and cool donuts fried
on Donut Robot® Mark II, V and IX fryers. They
are rotating round trays, attractively finished, and
powered by a connection to the fryer.
standard Roto Cooler is large enough to hold in excess
of 75 donuts, giving the operator plenty of time to complete
other jobs before transferring the contents. They tray
is white polyethylene ad easy to clean.
stainless steel Sugaring Tray is small and deeper, and
allows the operator to coat donuts with cinnamon sugar
and other flavors on the spot without separate
finishing table.
Roto-Cooler with Finishing Tree makes a complete donut
icing, decorating and display center. Each of the top
three trays have two sections for a greater selection
of icings and toppings. One person can quickly
decorate donuts to create an endless variety, finished
to order, right on the spot.